15 Presidential Blvd STE 201 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

Taking Care of Discolored Teeth

When you have discolored teeth, it can make you want to hide your smile when you should be showing it off. Luckily, there are multiple options to get a whiter smile with your Philadelphia, PA cosmetic dentist. Dr. David J. Weinstock discusses the treatments available to you at our office.philadelphia, pa cosmetic dentist

Professional Teeth Whitening

When you think about whitening treatments at your dentist, this is probably what comes to mind. Professional teeth whitening carries many benefits over drugstore options. Over the counter products are often one size fits all. They can lead to uneven results and the danger of sensitivity in the gums and soft tissue if they come into contact with the bleaching agent.

At our office, we offer both in-office and at-home whitening options. In the office, we use Zoom® Advanced teeth whitening. Your teeth can become up to eight shades whiter in a one-hour session. This is ideal if you need to whiten your teeth quickly for an upcoming event. The whitening gel is applied to your teeth after your gums and soft tissues are protected. A special life activates the bleaching agent in the gel.

Take-home teeth whitening is a more gradual process. Molds are taken of your teeth to make whitening trays that evenly distribute professional-grade whitening gel. Since they fit perfectly, you don’t have to worry about sensitivity. You wear these a couple of hours a night for a number of weeks to gradually whiten your teeth. Dr. Weinstock can help determine how many weeks will be ideal to get the results you’re looking for.

Porcelain Veneers

Not all discoloration can be treated with traditional whitening methods. Porcelain veneers offer a suitable alternative for stains caused by things like genetics or medication. Veneers are thin shells of high-quality dental ceramic that cover the front and sides of the teeth. The material is designed to be both durable and stain-resistant, ideal for a more permanent restoration.

To get veneers, we’ll first remove some of the tooth structure. We want to make sure the veneers lay flush with the rest of the smile. Impressions are taken for your veneers to be custom-made in a dental lab. When they’re ready, we’ll fit them on your teeth to make sure they’re comfortable and look natural. If you’re satisfied, they’ll be permanently bonded to your teeth.

Dental Bonding

If you have discoloration that isn’t responding to traditional methods and want an economical option, dental bonding may be right for you. It’s similar to porcelain veneers, without being a permanent restoration. The bonding material is made of a composite resin that’s malleable and color-matched to the shade you want. Bonding can help take care of cosmetic chips while you’re using it for whitening as well.

For bonding, a minimal amount of tooth structure to ensure the bonding material adheres well. The resin is molded to match the natural shape of your tooth. When you’re satisfied with how it looks and feels, a special light is used to cure and harden the resin. Dr. Weinstock will polish the bonding material so that it matches the natural sheen of the rest of your teeth.

Teeth Whitening at Your Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Cosmetic Dentist

Are you ready to get a smile that you want to show off? Call us or schedule an appointment online.