Food is one of the great joys in life. But some food is just asking for you to have to visit your dentist in Bala Cynwyd, PA. Try to avoid these foods if you don’t want dental problems down the road.
1. Carbonated Drinks
Sodas, even if they’re diet, are not friends of your teeth. Drinking things loaded with sugar allows plaque bacteria to use that sugar. The bacteria then produce acids that erode the enamel on the outside of your teeth. If you’re a fan of dark sodas, these can also cause your teeth to stain.
In addition, these drinks dry out your mouth. This means you have less saliva and a higher risk of tooth decay. In fact, if you brush your teeth right after having soda, you aren’t doing yourself a favor. That can actually increase the rate of decay.
2. Ice
Ice is just water, so that doesn’t necessarily make it bad for you. However, chewing on ice should be avoided. Being such a hard substance, chewing on ice is basically asking for a dental emergency. Teeth can be chipped or broken and fillings and dental crowns can be loosened.
3. Citrus
Citrus is highly acidic, meaning it’s likely to erode the enamel on your teeth. This makes them more vulnerable to decay. Even adding lemon to your water contributes to this. Citrus can also irritate any mouth sores you might have. Be sure to consume citrus sparingly, and rinse with plain water afterward.
4. Chewy Candy
The chewier the candy, the more damage it does to your teeth. Chewy candy gets stuck both on and between teeth, leading to cavities and tooth decay. This is especially true if you have crooked teeth, where the candy can get into those hard to clean places.
Even worse are chewy candies that are sour. Sour candy adds being acidic into the mix. This means it’s going to erode your tooth enamel even faster.
5. Hard Candy
Unfortunately, hard candy isn’t a replacement for chewy. While they don’t stick like chewy candy, they linger in your mouth for a long time. When they dissolve slowly, it gives bacteria more time to produce acid. Hard candy is often flavored with citric acid as well, leading to extra acid production.
Hard candy also produces more harm to your teeth when you try to bite down on it. This can lead to a visit to your Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania dentist to fix the damage the candy caused with restorative dentistry.
6. Coffee and Tea
Coffee and tea by themselves aren’t that bad. However, most of us are adding sugar and sweet flavorings to our drinks. If you’re drinking them for caffeine, they can also dry out your mouth. Finally, if you’re someone that needs your coffee fix daily, your teeth are likely to become stained from drinking it too often.
7. Crackers and Chips
Crackers and chips are often craved as a salty, crunchy snack. However, they’re loaded with starch, which then converts to sugar as it’s broken down. For crackers especially, they can get trapped in the molars and between the teeth. We’re also normally snacking for a bit, extending the time for acid production from sugars. Make sure to floss and rinse when you’re done snacking to remove lingering crumbs.
8. Sports Drinks
You might think that these are a good alternative to drinking soda. But these are also acidic and loaded with sugar. Sugar is often one of the top ingredients. They can be beneficial if you’re doing vigorous physical activity. Otherwise, skip the sports drinks and stick with water.
9. Dried Fruit
Dried fruit can be a decently healthy snack if you’re on the go and can’t have fresh fruit. However, it’s highly concentrated with sugar. Dried fruit is often stickier than the fresh version as well, making it more likely to leave bits behind. Brush, floss, and rinse after eating to avoid the most damage.
10. Alcohol
Alcohol, in general, is severely dehydrating for your mouth. Long-term use can impact saliva production, and heavy use can increase your risk of mouth cancer. Red wine can be especially bad, as it’s another liquid that contributes to staining on the teeth. Both red and white wines also contain erosive acids.
Struggling with tooth discoloration, decay, or other issues from foods? Call us today or request an appointment online!